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Cienega High School
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Game Stats Section
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Academic Information
GPA | SAT Score | ACT | School Rank | Intended Major | NCAA Clearing ID |
3.9 |
Analytical Stats
Hitting Metrics
Bat Exit | Barrel Speed | Attack Angle | Time to Contact | Launch Angle | Spin Rate | Distance | Impact Momentum | Contact Point | Distance in Zone | Applied Power |
Pitching Metrics
FB Velo | CB Velo | SL Velo | CHG Velo | FB Spin Rate | CB Spin Rate | SL Spin Rate | Spin Efficiency | Pitch Break | Total Spin |
Riflespin | Backspin | Sidespin | Speed Angle | Backward Time | Foward Time | Vertical Mvmnt | Horizontal Mvmnt | CH Spin | FB Axis | CB Axis | SL Axis | CH Axis |
Fielding Metrics
Raw Arm Velo | Catcher Pop Time | INF Arm Velo | OF Arm Velo | Catcher Arm Velo | Catcher Transfer | Home to 3B Time |
Player Athletic Performance and Strength Metrics
Athletic Performance
60yd Sprint | 10yd Sprint | 30yd Sprint | Broad Jump | Vertical Jump | Vertical Standing Jump | 5-10-5 Shuttle | Home to 1B | 1B to Home | Pushups / 30 sec |
Strength Metrics
Dumbbell Press | Incline DB Press | Back Squat | Front Squat | Dead Lift | Power Clean | Grip Strength (RT) | Grip Strength (LT) | Lat Pull Downs | Bicep Curls |
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Player Bio and Testimonial
I was born and raised in Vail, Arizona on September 13, 2006 to Stephanie and Anthony Chavez. I have two other sibling athletes; Mackenzie (14 yrs.) gymnastics; and Ava (11 yrs.) soccer.
All my education has been in the Vail School district; Acacia Elementary, Desert Sky Middle School, and Cienega High School where I have been an honor roll student every year.
For my hobbies I enjoy playing basketball, football, golf, fishing, hunting, and video games.
Thanks to my loving, caring, and supportive parents, I truly believe I am a person of good character and have a hard work ethic. Being a son of a coach and former major league pitcher, I have been taught and learned skills and the knowledge of the game of baseball at an advanced level than my peers.
Being a multi-sport athlete since I was 5 years of age, sports have taught me that for a team to be successful, athletes should be good teammates and coachable. Excelling in the positions of Quarterback, Catcher, and Pitcher has also taught me how to be a leader and to always be positive and continue to learn to find ways to help teammates be successful.
My plan to date is to put all my focus on baseball and to enhance all my baseball skills and continue to get physically stronger and faster.
Athletic Awards/Mentions
Scholastic Awards/Mentions
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Player References
Professional Reference 1
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Organization Name:
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Professional Reference 2
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Organization Name:
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Professional Reference 3
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Organization Name:
Phone Number:
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Other Players from my Organization
Last name | First name | Grad Year | Position | State | Team | Travel Organization |
Chavez | Lute | 2025 | C | Arizona | 5 Star Mafia Moreno Valley |
Validated Metric Section
(Metrics are captured from organizations using The Scout Hub's Scouting Software Platform)
60 yard Time
Date | 60 yd time | Timing Device | Evaluated By | Events Name |
Fastball Velocity
Date | Fastball Velo | Events Name |
Raw Arm Velocity
Date | Raw Arm Velo | Events Name |
Bat Barrel Speed
Date | Bat Barrel Speed | Events Name |
Bat Exit Velocity
Date | Bat Exit Velo | Events Name |
Catcher Pop Time
Date | Catcher Pop Time | Catcher Arm Velo | Device Used | Device Used 2 | Events Name |
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