Athlete ID
The Athlete Resume
Update Page
Luis Cedeno
Family Email:
Learn how to add information into your Athlete Resume from owner, Todd Blyleven as he walks you through each section of the Update Page and gives you some pointers on building your amazing Athlete Resume.
*Copyright © 2022 The Scout Hub™. All Rights Reserved. All evaluations graded based on athlete age and compared to average player in athlete's age group.
Step 1: 👆 Watch the Video above to get started. 👆
Step 2: Begin adding or updating the your information below. The more you add, the more professional your Custom Athlete Resume Page will look, so add as much information as you can.
Step 3: After you add or update your information in each category in each section, click the "Submit" button for that section.
Step 4: Always update your information when something changes or you have new highlight videos or game schedules to share.
Step 5: Share your Personal Athlete Resume Page with college coaches, your team coaches (ask them to share your resume page with schools), and share with your family too!

Step 1- Select Your Banner

To replace the current Scout Hub Banner- create a banner size 1600 x 250 px and upload below. (Not to exceed 15 MB)
Check out the new list of banner options to add to the top of your Resume Page.
(If your organization partnered with the Scout Hub, you can now upload their Banner and add to your page)
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Once you have created your Athlete Resume QR-Code and Downloaded it to your Computer or Phone, Upload it here 👇
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See QR-Code here: 👇
This QR Code will be added to your Brochure automatically.
See your "Printable Brochure" with your uploaded QR-Code. This is great if you want to hand College Coaches something at events to promote your Athlete Resume.
Header Section
Middle School and High School athletes... select "HS Grad Year".
College Athletes... select "College Year"
For middle school or High School your High School Graduation Year. For existing college your current college year.
Enter State or Country
Add Athlete Photo here: 👇

Player Image Upload. Use Square size image for best results. This image will be added to your Player page. Use game action pic or head shot.
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Add Athlete Highlight Video here: 👇

Download a video straight from your phone, tablet or laptop picture/video library. This is a direct upload video that you can change any time you like 24/7. Recommended to always keep this video up to date and one of your best videos as this is the first video coaches will see of your game.
Bio, School & Team
Info Section
Enter Athlete School Info here: 👇
School name:
Already Committed?
Committed School Name: (Leave blank if uncommitted)
Enter Athlete Team Info here: 👇
Travel Organization
(Org name only, not team name)
Travel Team Name:
(Texas Elite 18U- Jones)
Travel/School Coach Email:
Enter Athlete Bio Info here: 👇
Family "Primary" Email:
(This email is displayed on top of the Resume)
Athlete Email:
Current Age:
B / T:
POS 1:
POS 2:
Athlete Phone:
*Only add your phone number if you are ok with it potentially being viewed by a public audience.
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Know your future college coach before they know you.
The Scout Hub provides direct access to thousands of college coaches and recruiters emails and social handles allowing middle school, high school and college athletes to instantly contact coaches and showcase their game instantly helping them get recruited. Also provides college entry requirements and more; all for only $10 per month! Access thousands of colleges coaches with easy search features - great for multi-sport athletes too.
All Sport Full Access for $10 per month
Social & Academics
Academic Stats
School GPA
SAT Score
ACT Score
School Rank %
Intended Major
NCAA Clearinghouse ID
Click here to register for your Clearinghouse ID:
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Videos Section
Add your Youtube Videos below and add an explanation of what the video is about below each video input. (50 character count limit)
*Recommend 720p Upload quality
👉 👉 (must include http://) 👈 👈
Share standard YouTube video URL's only please and make sure they are marked as "Public" or "Unlisted". If you mark them "Private" they will not show on your Resume.
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Download your Twitter Videos straight from your Twitter page to your computer into .mp4 format which you can then simply upload into the video section below placing that video into Athlete Resume page.