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📣 Listen to former MLB SCOUT explain how to build a relationship with COLLEGE COACHES!
Here is a College Communication Tracking Sheet you can download that helped our CEO, Todd Blyleven as he help his son, Dylan get recruited.
This sheet allows you to manage outbound emails and and phone calls you make to college coaches, track any incoming communications from the schools and helps you gauge any interest a college coach may have for your player helping them get recruited.
Why do you need this?
Today's recruiting world requires constant marketing of the athlete which requires you to call and email the coaching staff of the university or college you wish to attend along with following the coaches and schools social pages too.
By doing these things, you are giving yourself every chance to promote your game to coaches and letting them see what type of player you are and if they want to start recruiting you. You have to put in the work and spend the time promoting your game!
Don't forget to always share your Athlete Resume link too when communicating with the coaches, so they can always see your most recent videos and player metrics.