Charlii Carbajal
HS Grad Year:
Player Information
POS 1:
POS 2:
Coach Email:
Travel Team:
Colorado Softball Academy 16U- Black
Family Email:
Player Email:
Holy Family College Preparatory High School
Phone (athlete):
B / T:
R / R
Not Committed
College Committed to:
Academic Information
SAT Score:
ACT Score:
Rank %:
Intended Major
NCAA Clearinghouse ID
Athlete Direct Upload Videos
My Youtube Highlight Videos
Game Schedule Link
School Schedule:
Travel Schedule:
Analytics & Performance Stats
Hitting Analytics
Bat Exit Velo
Barrel Speed
Pitching Analytics
Fastball Velo
Fielding Analytics
Raw Arm Velo
Catcher Pop Time
Athletic Performance
20yd Sprint Time
Strength Metrics
Media Library - Click on the image to expand
(If section is empty, player has no download to share at this time)
Player Bio and Testimonial
Hey coach, first I'd like to thank you for visiting my page! My name is Charlii Carabajal. I am a catcher utility for Colorado Softball Academy 16A BLACK. I Currently attend Holy Family College Preparatory High School, not only do I play softball I also participate on the tennis team at a varsity level. When I go off to college, I hope to study Political Science, Renewable energy or, join any form of the ROTC. As a student athlete, it is not only my duty to maintain good grades, i am also to be part of my community, each year i gather up around 30 hours of service hours. As a volunteer it brings joy to me to see the smiles on the people's faces when another is helping, that is also one of my goals for when I am on the field, to help my teammates no matter the situation and always build each other up. I cannot wait to hear back from you, thank you very much!
Athletic Awards/Mentions
I currently do not play softball for my school, yet I do participate on the Tennis team.
Varsity letter 2022
Scholastic Awards/Mentions
I Participate in the Theater, behind the scenes on tech. I am part of the chess club at my school as well.
Coach Testimonials
Professional Reference 1
First and Last Name:
Organization Name:
Phone Number:
How long known?
Professional Reference 2
First and Last Name:
Organization Name:
Phone Number:
How long known?
Other Players from my Organization
Last name | First name | Grad Year | Position | State | Team | Travel Organization |
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