Summer Smith
HS Grad Year:
Player Information
B / T:
R / R
College Committed to:
Academic Information
SAT Score:
ACT Score:
Rank %:
Intended Major
Top 5%
NCAA Clearinghouse ID
Athlete Direct Upload Videos
My Youtube Highlight Videos
Diving Catch
triple scoring two
tournament highlights August 2021
RBI single July 2021
Backhand up the middle from 2nd September 2021
Single up the middle September 2021
Analytics & Performance Stats
Hitting Analytics
Bat Exit Velo
Barrel Speed
Pitching Analytics
Fastball Velo
Fielding Analytics
Raw Arm Velo
Catcher Pop Time
Athletic Performance
20yd Sprint Time
Strength Metrics
Media Library - Click on the image to expand
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Player Bio and Testimonial
EXAMPLE: My name is Summer Smith and I'm a 5'10" hardworking softball player. I'm truly dedicated to this sport. I'm an athlete who knows the game of softball. My most important accomplishments were being nominated for first team all league and first team all county as a sophomore in high school. I have been on the varsity softball team at my high school since my freshmen year. Knowing that I'm capable of playing softball in college makes me more passionate for this sport. I was a co-captain for my high school softball team my sophomore year, which has prepared me for being the captain the next two years. What I can offer to a team is the promise to always work hard and never give up. I am the first to go to the field and the last to leave. My realistic athletic goals are to continue playing the sport I love at a high competition level. Another goal of mine is to make an impact on the team and to little girls. Knowing at the end of the day that I made a difference and tried my hardest would keep a smile on my face.
Athletic Awards/Mentions
EXAMPLE: 2021 Alliance All-Star, High School Co-Captin, All Area and All Conference Teams 2019 and 2020.
Scholastic Awards/Mentions
EXAMPLE: High Honors Society, President's List 2019-2021
Coach Testimonials
EXAMPLE: Summer Smith is an extremely talented softball player, but more importantly, she is an outstanding young woman. Sally was a significant contributor on the varsity as a freshman, which rarely happens at our school. She was having an amazing start to her sophomore season before Covid hit. In my opinion, Sally is a high level D1 athlete. She has extremely good hands in the field, can run like the wind, and hits extremely well with power at the plate! -Steve Thomas
Athlete's Recruiting Page Links
*These links are from other player pages the athlete has from tournament or recruiting companies.
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Professional Reference 1
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Professional Reference 2
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